Thursday, December 04, 2008

How much pain can a bottle of chili sauce cause?

I intend to answer that question becuase you'd be surprised. Have you ever just had "one of those days"? I can't imagine anyone would answer no to that question. We all have them. I thought I'd take a few minutes to share a short but true story that can be chalked up to "one of those days". Yesterday started like any other day. My alarm went off and I stared at my phone praying that it was Saturday morning instead of Wednesday. I then told myself, "I'll go to the gym right after work. Too tired now. Must sleep for 12 more minutes". I jumped out of bed crossing the ice before making it to the bathroom. I then had to remove my snow mobile suit before showering and preparing for another day(the thermostat is kept a little low in the winter). The minute I hit the office the business, crisis' and drama began. I went from meeting to meeting and problem to problem all day. By the time 5:00 rolled around I realized that I hadn't had a break all day and my brain was fried. I left the office around 5:30 and drove away preparing for a nice quiet peaceful evening at home. I just needed to run one little errand before getting into my jammies calling it a day. I needed to get some grocery items for my staff Christmas party this week. This meant that I needed to run really quick to Wal Mart. I don't know what I was thinking. I suppose I wasn't thinking. I have learned my lesson at Wal Mart. I try to avoid the store at all costs between the hours of 11 am and 8 pm. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas I prefer to avoid it all together. However, last night I just needed a few things and I didn't want to pay Marsh's higher prices so off I went around 6'ish. DUMB DECISION! One word- CROWD. Another word- STRESS. Two more words- Wal Mart Rage. My relaxing and quiet evening was clearly off to a rough start. I fought the impulse to run over people's heels with my cart. I fought the urge to scream things like, "EXCUSE ME CAN I PLEASE GET THROUGH?" and "WHAT MADE YOU THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO PARK YOUR CART IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ISLE AND CHIT CHAT WITH YOUR FRIEND?" I know- I know. I'm a terrible person and you never have thoughts like that. Please forgive me for having un kind thoughts last night. After fighting through the crowds and making my way to the front of the store my blood pressure took a turn for the worse as I observed lines of people where they shouldn't be. It's the holiday's peeps. Might be a good idea to have more than 5 lanes open. I took my place in line while I tried to go to my happy place in my head. The noise was getting to me so I then began some yoga excercises I use to de-stress. I used a lot of self talk as I waited and an hour and a half later was exiting the store (might be a slight exaggeration :) ). Of course it was raining and cold as my friend and I got into the car. As we sped away from "Wal Hell" I said to my friend for the 3rd time, "It's been a stressful day". Hang on it gets better. I made it into the house dropping the bags of groceries on the counter. In a split second my world was turned upside down. Before I could release one of the bags a bottle of chili sauce apparently escaped from a bag, rolled off of the counter, plunged approx. 3 feet and fell directly on MY BIG TOE. I am twitching now reliving the trauma. I can't begin to explain to you the pain that shot from my toe through out my body. I instantly turned into a 2 year old whining, crying and yelling in pain all at the same time. I knew my toe nail was a goner and I suspected I might not walk for days. I then spent a great deal of time sitting with my foot elevated and holding an ice pack to my toe. What a day! I am pleased to say that it looks like I'll be able to keep my toe nail in case some one was wondering.


Blogger Tara said...

It's fun that when you have 'one of those days', I get a good laugh. :) (I am my mother's daughter) As I typed you an email last night, knowing you were home baking for your Christmas party, this isn't what I pictured the evening like for you! I hope tonight is super your snowmobile suit.

2:37 PM  
Blogger kristaroby said...

Oh, Missy you make me laugh! I miss your stories:) Wish we could see you sometime.

8:28 PM  
Blogger kristaroby said...

Oh, Missy you make me laugh! I miss your stories:) Wish we could see you sometime.

8:29 PM  

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